Colomer Teresa 1997 La Enseñanza De La Lectura Barcelona Grao is a book that focuses on the teaching of reading in Barcelona. Written by Teresa Colomer, this book provides valuable insights and strategies for educators to enhance their teaching methods and improve the literacy skills of their students.

The Importance of Teaching Reading

Reading is a fundamental skill that plays a crucial role in a child’s academic success. It is not only essential for understanding written texts but also for developing critical thinking, vocabulary, and comprehension skills. However, many students struggle with reading, which can hinder their overall learning progress.

In her book, Colomer addresses the challenges faced by both teachers and students when it comes to teaching and learning reading. She offers practical solutions and strategies that can be implemented in the classroom to make the learning process more engaging and effective.

Problems and Solutions

One of the problems addressed in the book is the lack of motivation among students when it comes to reading. Many students view reading as a chore rather than an enjoyable activity. Colomer suggests incorporating interactive and immersive reading materials, such as engaging storybooks and digital resources, to spark students’ interest and make reading more enjoyable.

Another issue highlighted in the book is the difficulty students face in comprehending complex texts. Colomer emphasizes the importance of scaffolding, which involves breaking down complex texts into smaller, more manageable parts. Teachers can provide guided reading activities, ask comprehension questions, and encourage discussions to help students understand the content better.

Furthermore, Colomer also addresses the challenge of teaching reading to students with diverse learning needs. She suggests differentiating instruction by providing individualized support and resources based on each student’s abilities and preferences. This can include using visual aids, incorporating multisensory activities, and providing additional reading materials at different reading levels.

Examples of Implementation

One example of implementing the strategies outlined in Colomer’s book is the use of interactive read-alouds. Teachers can select engaging and relevant texts and read them aloud to the class, pausing at certain points to ask questions, make predictions, or discuss the story. This encourages active participation and comprehension among students.

Another example is the use of technology to enhance reading instruction. Teachers can incorporate interactive e-books or educational apps that provide audio support, vocabulary definitions, and comprehension questions. This not only makes reading more accessible for struggling readers but also adds an element of interactivity and engagement to the learning process.

Furthermore, teachers can create literacy-rich environments in the classroom by setting up reading corners with a variety of books and reading materials. This provides students with opportunities for independent reading and exploration, fostering a love for reading and improving their literacy skills.


Colomer Teresa 1997 La Enseñanza De La Lectura Barcelona Grao offers valuable insights and strategies for educators to improve the teaching of reading. By addressing common problems and providing practical solutions, this book empowers teachers to create engaging and effective reading instruction that promotes student motivation, comprehension, and overall literacy skills.


Colomer, T. (1997). La enseñanza de la lectura. Barcelona: Grao.

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Last Update: February 6, 2024

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