Imagenes Del Refran El Que Con Lobos Anda A Aullar Se Enseña Cómo Enseñar
Imagenes Del Refran El Que Con Lobos Anda A Aullar Se Enseña Cómo Enseñar


El Que Con Los Lobos Anda A Aullar Se Enseña is a Spanish proverb that translates to “He who walks with wolves learns to howl.” This saying emphasizes the influence of our surroundings and the people we associate with. It suggests that we can adopt the behaviors and characteristics of those we spend time with. This blog post will explore the meaning behind this proverb and discuss its relevance in our daily lives.

The Power of Influence

Humans are social beings, and we are naturally influenced by the people around us. Our behaviors, beliefs, and attitudes are shaped by our interactions with others. This proverb highlights the importance of choosing our companions wisely, as they can have a significant impact on our lives.

Problem: Negative Influences

One of the problems that arise from “El Que Con Los Lobos Anda A Aullar Se Enseña” is the potential for negative influences. If we surround ourselves with individuals who engage in harmful or destructive behaviors, we may find ourselves adopting those same habits.

Solution: Surround Yourself with Positive People

To counteract the negative influences, it is essential to surround ourselves with positive and uplifting individuals. Seek out friends who support and encourage personal growth. Surrounding ourselves with people who embody the qualities we admire can inspire us to become better versions of ourselves.

Problem: Peer Pressure

Another challenge related to this proverb is peer pressure. When we spend time with a group that engages in certain activities, we may feel pressured to participate, even if it goes against our values or better judgment.

Solution: Stay True to Your Values

It is crucial to stay true to our values and beliefs, even when faced with peer pressure. Remember that it is okay to say no and make decisions that align with our principles. Surround ourselves with individuals who respect and support our choices.


Here are a few examples that illustrate the concept of “El Que Con Los Lobos Anda A Aullar Se Enseña”:

1. If someone spends time with a group of successful entrepreneurs, they may learn valuable business skills and develop a strong work ethic.

2. Conversely, if an individual associates with a group that engages in criminal activities, they may adopt criminal behavior and attitudes.

3. A person who spends time with compassionate and empathetic individuals may become more caring and understanding themselves.


“El Que Con Los Lobos Anda A Aullar Se Enseña” reminds us of the power of our social environment. The people we surround ourselves with can have a significant impact on our lives and shape our behaviors and beliefs. It is crucial to choose our companions wisely and seek out positive influences that align with our values and aspirations. By doing so, we can grow and develop into the best versions of ourselves.


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Last Update: February 6, 2024

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