Se EDUCA en casa y se enseña en la ESCUELA Imagenes Educativas
Se EDUCA en casa y se enseña en la ESCUELA Imagenes Educativas

En Casa Se Educa En La Escuela Se Enseña is a popular saying in the education field in Spain, which translates to “Education takes place at home, teaching takes place at school.” This phrase emphasizes the importance of the collaboration between parents and teachers in the education of children. While schools play a crucial role in imparting knowledge and skills, it is ultimately the responsibility of parents to instill values, discipline, and a love of learning in their children.

The Importance of Collaboration

In today’s fast-paced and busy world, it can be challenging for parents to find the time and energy to actively participate in their child’s education. However, research has consistently shown that parental involvement has a significant impact on a child’s academic success and overall development. When parents and teachers work together, they can create a supportive and nurturing environment that promotes learning and growth.

Problem 1: Lack of Communication

One common problem that arises in the collaboration between parents and teachers is a lack of communication. Parents may not be aware of their child’s progress, upcoming assignments, or school events. This lack of information can hinder their ability to support their child effectively.

Solution: Regular Communication Channels

To address this issue, schools can establish regular communication channels with parents, such as monthly newsletters, online platforms, or parent-teacher meetings. These channels allow parents to stay informed and actively participate in their child’s education.

Problem 2: Conflicting Expectations

Another challenge in the collaboration between parents and teachers is conflicting expectations. Parents may have different goals or priorities for their child’s education, which may not align with the school’s curriculum or teaching methods.

Solution: Open Dialogue and Understanding

It is essential for parents and teachers to have open and honest discussions about their expectations and concerns. By understanding each other’s perspectives, they can find common ground and work together towards the best interest of the child.

Examples of En Casa Se Educa En La Escuela Se Enseña

1. Example 1: A child is struggling with math concepts in school. The teacher communicates this issue to the parents, and they work together to provide extra support at home, such as hiring a tutor or practicing math problems together.

2. Example 2: A school organizes a parent-teacher conference to discuss a student’s behavior. The parents and teachers collaborate to identify the underlying causes of the behavior and develop strategies to address it both at home and in school.

3. Example 3: A school implements a reading program that encourages parents to read with their children at home. Parents and teachers work together to select appropriate books, set reading goals, and provide feedback on the child’s progress.

In conclusion, En Casa Se Educa En La Escuela Se Enseña highlights the importance of the collaboration between parents and teachers in the education of children. By working together, they can create a supportive and nurturing environment that promotes learning and development. Communication, understanding, and shared goals are key to a successful partnership between parents and teachers.


1. Book: “En Casa Se Educa En La Escuela Se Enseña” by María Jesús Comellas

2. Website: Educacion Tres Punto Cero

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MX Enseñar,

Last Update: February 6, 2024

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