La vida te va enseñando quién sí, Desmotivaciones
La vida te va enseñando quién sí, Desmotivaciones

Pero La Vida Me Va Enseñando Cuantas Cosas Hay Amargas is a phrase that translates to “But Life Keeps Teaching Me How Many Bitter Things There Are” in English. This phrase reflects the ups and downs of life and how we learn from the difficult experiences we encounter. In this article, we will explore the meaning behind this phrase and discuss some of the problems that can arise in life, as well as potential solutions.

Understanding the Phrase

Pero La Vida Me Va Enseñando Cuantas Cosas Hay Amargas is a reflection of the challenges and hardships that life brings. It acknowledges that life can be filled with bitter experiences, but it also implies that these experiences can teach us valuable lessons.

Problem 1: Dealing with Loss

One of the bitter things that life teaches us is how to deal with loss. Whether it’s the loss of a loved one, a job, or a relationship, experiencing loss can be incredibly painful and difficult to navigate.

Solution: It’s important to allow yourself to grieve and process your emotions. Surround yourself with a support system of friends and family who can provide comfort and understanding. Seek professional help if needed, such as therapy or counseling, to help you work through your grief.

Problem 2: Facing Rejection

Another bitter experience in life is facing rejection. Whether it’s being rejected by a romantic partner, not getting a job you applied for, or being turned down for an opportunity, rejection can be disheartening and discouraging.

Solution: Remember that rejection is not a reflection of your worth. It’s important to maintain a positive mindset and not let rejection define you. Use these experiences as opportunities for growth and self-improvement. Keep trying and don’t be afraid to take risks.

Problem 3: Dealing with Failure

Failure is another bitter aspect of life that can be difficult to handle. Whether it’s failing at a personal goal, a project at work, or a test, it can be disheartening and dent your confidence.

Solution: Instead of viewing failure as a negative, try to reframe it as a learning experience. Take the time to reflect on what went wrong and what you can do differently in the future. Use failure as motivation to improve and grow. Remember that everyone fails at some point, and it’s how you bounce back that matters.


Example 1: Pero La Vida Me Va Enseñando Cuantas Cosas Hay Amargas, como perder a un ser querido, pero también me ha enseñado a valorar los momentos que pasamos juntos.

Example 2: A veces, la vida nos presenta situaciones difíciles y amargas, pero es en esos momentos que podemos aprender y crecer como personas.

Example 3: La vida puede ser dura y amarga a veces, pero es importante recordar que también hay momentos dulces y felices que nos hacen seguir adelante.


1. (in Spanish)

2. (in Spanish)

3. (in Spanish)

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MX Enseñar,

Last Update: February 6, 2024

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