Como Ensenarle A Su Hijo A Leer Y Comprender Enseñar A Leer Para Niños
Como Ensenarle A Su Hijo A Leer Y Comprender Enseñar A Leer Para Niños

Teresa Colomer: A Leading Expert in Reading Comprehension

Teresa Colomer is a renowned expert in the field of literacy education, specifically in teaching children to read and understand what they read. Her book, “Enseñar A Leer Enseñar A Comprender” (Teaching to Read Teaching to Understand), is a comprehensive guide for educators on how to effectively teach reading comprehension skills to students.

The Importance of Reading Comprehension

Reading comprehension is an essential skill that allows individuals to understand and interpret written texts. It goes beyond simply decoding words and involves making meaning from the text, connecting ideas, and drawing inferences. Developing strong reading comprehension skills is crucial for academic success and lifelong learning.

The Challenges in Teaching Reading Comprehension

Many educators face challenges when it comes to teaching reading comprehension. Some common problems include:

1. Lack of Engagement

Students may struggle to stay engaged and interested in reading, especially if they find the texts difficult or uninteresting. This can hinder their comprehension and overall literacy development.


One way to address this issue is by using a variety of texts that cater to students’ interests and reading levels. Providing choice and incorporating multimedia resources can also increase engagement and motivation.

2. Limited Background Knowledge

Students who have limited background knowledge on a topic may struggle to understand the text. This lack of prior knowledge can hinder their ability to make connections and comprehend the material.


Teachers can help build students’ background knowledge by providing pre-reading activities, such as activating prior knowledge, introducing key vocabulary, and providing relevant background information. This scaffolding can support students in understanding the text more effectively.

3. Weak Vocabulary

A limited vocabulary can impede reading comprehension, as students may struggle to understand the meaning of words in context. This can lead to difficulties in grasping the overall message of the text.


Teachers can explicitly teach vocabulary words and provide opportunities for students to practice using them in different contexts. Incorporating word study activities and encouraging independent reading can also help expand students’ vocabulary.

Examples of Teresa Colomer’s Strategies

Teresa Colomer’s book offers a range of strategies and approaches to address these challenges and enhance reading comprehension. Here are a few examples:

1. Schema Theory

Schema theory suggests that individuals make sense of new information by connecting it to their existing knowledge and experiences. Colomer emphasizes the importance of activating and building upon students’ prior knowledge to enhance comprehension.

2. Metacognitive Strategies

Colomer promotes the use of metacognitive strategies, such as self-questioning and summarizing, to help students monitor their understanding and make connections within the text. These strategies encourage active engagement and reflection.

3. Collaborative Learning

Colomer highlights the benefits of collaborative learning, where students work together to discuss and analyze texts. This approach fosters peer interaction, promotes deeper thinking, and allows for the sharing of different perspectives.

To delve deeper into Teresa Colomer’s research and strategies, her book “Enseñar A Leer Enseñar A Comprender” is highly recommended for educators seeking to enhance their teaching of reading comprehension.


РColomer, T. (2005). Ense̱ar A Leer Ense̱ar A Comprender. Editorial GRAO.

РTeresa Colomer Ense̱ar A Leer Ense̱ar A Comprender. Retrieved from

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Last Update: February 6, 2024

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